Taraz, Shymkent Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦塔拉兹,奇姆肯特 5/2018 (2)

4/5/2018. After a brief stay in Almaty, I was looking forward to seeing more of Kazakhstan. I took an MPV taxi heading west to Taraz with a few other fellow passengers. The car was loaded to the hilt for the six-hour ride. To get out of the car, we had to first unload some of the luggage. The pit stop was memorable. The toilet was even more so. It was a tight shed, barely enough for one; two narrow planks to step on while aiming for the bull’s eye. It stank to high heavens, so I tried to hold my breath while I let go. You can’t rush this thing; the more I rush, the more things obviously go astray. I busted my lungs and took a few inhalations. I could even puke thinking about it now. After my release from the gas chamber, I saw a few young girls in my car queuing for a similar toilet. They were well dressed for the ride, some in flowy skirts. I really felt sorry for them. Later we chatted in the car. They enlightened me that free toilets in Kazakhstan are similar to these models and giggled at me for being a sissy. In the city, though, it was a lot more dignified.

The six hours of unobstructed grasslands hypnotized me. Cattle took their time crossing the road. We could not hurry them; this was their turf. They nourish us with their milk and beef us up with their flesh. We had to be patient.

4/5/2018 今早付了九美元坐了子弹头商旅车离开阿拉木图向西走, 六小时后到塔拉兹 (Taraz)小镇。人和行李都挤成一堆,休息站下车得先卸下堵住车门的行李。休息站厕所是几块锌板草率钉住,格子稍大的挤进去后可能出不来。 我进去前,把自己尽量充气,眼睛最好不要往下看,但又要瞄准,动作要顺畅,一气呵成。绝对不是轻松的事,憋着气进去,撑到完事出来后才呼吸,憋不住就要在里面抽气,会很恶心。出来后,我看见另一边几个同车衣着时髦女孩在女厕外排队,替她们委屈。听说的在哈萨克斯坦只要是免费的,马桶都是这种型号。今早在车站的厕所也好不到那里。你如是娇生惯养,如想到哈萨克斯坦,随身带伞,或穿尿布,这里可是草原之地。不过在市内,不要急,自用和付费的都改良了。

一路无穷尽的草原。在这草原大地,路上一批马大摇大摆过牠们的路, 也是名正言顺, 这毕竟是马路。后来又一群牛慢条斯理的过马路。牛就是那么牛, 坐车的也奈何不了。反正我们受她母乳滋养,又对她七分熟嫩肉垂涎,让她三分不过分。

I finally arrived in Taraz. I hadn’t come for any particular purpose. It was just a convenient stopover en route to the next country. This was a small town. In the center stood the town square, cordoned off as a fun park, for children and the childlike. The biggest buildings were Russian style—the Russian influence persists. I was beginning to have a better picture of Kazakhstan.

这就是塔拉兹小镇,镇中心是个大广场,几栋方方正正的俄式楼扬威耀武;晚上大道封闭,转为市民游乐场。虽只是个小镇, 还是别致, 整齐干净。到这里只是路经,也没白来,难得机会多看哈萨克斯坦的另一角,看了大片草原地貌, 还有一路来三顾茅庐的滋味回味无穷,对哈萨克斯坦的印象开始成形。

5/5/2018. Early the next morning, I went to the taxi station to Shymkent. It was a carpool system, so after waiting for a while, I paid for the empty seats so we could depart immediately. I paid USD 18 instead of 8; the damage was bearable.

It was another journey of grassland, blue sky, and abundant sunshine. Snow-capped mountains towered at the far end of the landscape. I was beginning to see how vast and underutilized this country was. The Earth has enough land to cater to the refugees. Why should they all go to Europe? I pondered and wondered. The pungent smell of the toilet from yesterday still lingered; today, the same lucky treat. The way to answer the call of nature was, so natural. If you are too spoiled, bring your own umbrella or wear a nappy. Otherwise, take a deep breath, suck it up.

5/5/2018 一大早到的士车站等车到奇姆肯特 (Shymkent)去。车要凑齐四人才开,等了一小时多还凑不齐,我只能掏腰包多付以好赶快上路。一路还是平坦草原,草原边际可见雪山,又是蓝天日丽,心情当然舒畅,直到停车休息站时又躲不过那茅厕,还是一样的呛人。我不是贵族,是娇生惯养。

Shymkent was a convenient stopover en route to my next destination, Uzbekistan. It also gave me the opportunity to see a cross-section of Khasakstan. I did not expect to see anything here that would knock my socks off, so I just took it easy, sampling and savoring the local cuisine. I pointed to some dishes in a food display cabinet and ordered a vegetable soup and some chunky meat pieces. When I sank my teeth into the meat, it turned out to be offal of some poor animals. That didn’t agree with me, so lunch was kind of a washout. I then came to a cool café, and ordered something more recognizable – some chicken wings and salad. It wasn’t particularly Kazakhs, but I wanted to play it safe, put my feet up, and watched young Kazakhs chilled and socialized.

Like Almaty, the streets were neat and tidy. The luxuriant trees, laid-back grass, clear blue sky, and refreshing breeze all provided for a cheery, summer, parklike surrounding. I reminisced about Bolivia where oxygen is thin, and Iran, where much of the land is parched. Kazakhstan is indeed blessed.

在奇姆肯特也没去挖掘任何景点, 反正还有好戏在后头,在这里就安分点。今天就是以吃为主, 开开眼界。午餐点了蔬菜汤, 吃得起劲后, 又再加点土豆烤什么的, 一咬才尝出是内脏,白费了,然后往下家去,点了色拉,鸡翅(又点错了),红萝卜汁。

街道也整齐干净,跟阿拉木图一样, 茂叶大树布满街道,天空还是那么纯一色的蓝,暖活的阳光,凉爽春风,回想起玻利维亚的缺氧高原,伊朗一路南下尽是不毛之地,这里却是走不完的草原, 哈萨克斯坦命不错。

For dinner, I went to a recommended restaurant, the Bar Villa. I was impressed. The bread was served tucked in a blanket to keep warm on a summer evening. The main was a slice of fish fillet, so small it was meant to tantalize, not eaten. With a white plate as the canvas, the artistic chef painted it with a dash of gravy, like a masterstroke of calligraphy. This art piece was completed by garnishing it with a slice of lemon and cherry tomato. The colors were varied and coordinated. I hesitated to dive in—it was embroidery, a piece of art. This is a time I do not complain about paying too much for so little. I just had to be careful not to let anything get stuck between my teeth or there wouldn’t be anything left to slide down my throat.

Tomorrow I was headed to Uzbekistan. Good night.


明早到乌别克斯坦。 晚安。

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