12-13/8/2018. After leaving Bratislava, I took a six-hour bus to Ljubljana. I could have dropped by Budapest, which was really the next natural destination on the route, but since I had been there, though many years ago, I gave it a miss this time.
Slovenia used to be part of Yugoslavia. They then decided they no longer wanted to be bedfellows. Each part of them wanted to take their own destiny into their hands. Each of them had prized assets in their proud possessions. Indeed, each of these petite little things had its attractions. If they did not mess it up, the till will just ka-ching … ka-ching … ka-ching … with money pouring in from tourists curious about every little thing in life.
12-13/8/2018 离开斯洛伐克的布拉迪斯拉发,乘大巴六个多小时到斯洛文尼亚首都卢布尔雅那(Ljubljana)。本该顺路下一站到不远的布达佩斯(匈牙利)去,但几十年前已去过。斯洛文尼亚以前是南斯拉夫一部分,后来分道扬镳, 这些过往兄弟至少目前没有过不去,不然我也过不去,又要绕道而行了。
这些国,这些城市都不大,为什么要独立呢?以前我的是你的, 你的也是我的,恩恩爱爱,皆大欢喜。忽然有一天,我的是你的, 可是你的好像不是我的了, 这就是分手的开始。这些娇小玲珑新国都有自己旅游和历史资源,有自己引以为豪的文化,也自信自己能更好掌握自己的命运。只要经营好,有这么多有钱的邻居,该会财源滚滚来,日子该不会难过。
Street side activities 街边活动 Preseren Square 卢布尔雅那普雷塞广场 Franciscan Church and the Tripple Bridge in Preseren Square 普雷塞广场和方济各会教堂 Preseren Square 普雷塞广场 Town square 卢布尔雅那中心广场 Riverside restaurants and cafe 河岸餐厅酒吧 Shopping street of Ljubljana 卢布尔雅那街景 An oriental and his western 一个东方人吃的西餐 An oriental and another western 一个东方人吃的又一个西餐
One of Slovenia’s best-known attractions, Lake Bled, is conveniently located near the capital of Ljubljana. It does not disappoint—this was one of the most beautiful lakes I have come across. On approach, I was charmed, hypnotized, like peering into the cobalt eyes of a beautiful girl. A dark turquoise lake, surrounded by lush green mountains not too distant, topped by the icing on the cake—the mythical castle and old church perched visibly on the mountain top. For our pleasure, along the lakefront are restaurants, cafes and swimming areas. Pure and natural, this is postcard Slovenia, a damsel exquisite to behold.
斯洛文尼亚著名景点之一是布莱德湖, 离卢布尔雅那一小时半车程。这是我见过最漂亮的湖景之一。一到湖前,第一眼就像第一次看到洋姑娘湿湿的蓝眼一样新奇,完全给附身了。一池清澈蓝湖,环绕着湖边的是对称的山坡和绿林,在顶上加了给城堡和古教堂。沿着湖边有餐厅,咖啡厅,酒吧,泳区和戏水区。这幅画完成了代表斯洛文尼亚的明信片。
Beautiful Lake Bled 布莱德湖美景 Beautiful Lake Bled 布莱德湖美景 Beautiful Lake Bled 布莱德湖美景 Beautiful Lake Bled 布莱德湖美景 Visitors enjoying the water 湖中戏水 Enjoying the sun at Lake Bled 布莱德湖日光晒 Swimmers at Lake Bled 布莱德湖玩水群众 Swimmers at Lake Bled 布莱德湖玩水群众