See mysterious Kathmandu stuck in time 11/2023 (Stop 17 part 2)

4th November, 2023 Katmandu, Nepal.

There are 3 main squares around Kathmandu. I have visited the Durbar Square. One in the bag, 2 more awaited. So, the next day I set out for more.

These Katmandu squares have the penchant for putting many significant buildings on a silver platter so we can all feast on them with our eyes in one walkabout. So I took a taxi to Bhaktapur, about 15km from Katmandu city. The entrance ticket allowed me to visit 4 squares within Bhaktapur: Durbar Square, Taumadhi Square, Pottery Square, and Duttatraya Square.

It was like walking back, among the ancient living. The temples, courtyards, and statues were just as they were, where the locals lived their spiritual lives. The towers were imposingly tall, stacking a roof upon a roof, looming large as they rose to the sky. The wooden carvings on them were artistic, and accomplished with great finesse. They were magnificent, jaw-dropping even today, just as they were back then. The Nepalese wanted their best handiworks to be worthy of their objects of veneration.

Bhaktapur Square

When I was done at Bhaktapur, it was already late in the afternoon. I took another taxi back towards Katmandu, to Patan Square, about 10 km from Bhaktapur, still about 7 km from Katmandu. It proudly boasts some of the finest temples. These were not more of the same but each is unique and worthy of the deities they were built for.

It had been a very full day. I saw to my heart’s content, but I wanted more. I hope I will be back one day.

I started this trip on the 13th of September 2023 when I flew to the Maldives. I then visited Sri Lanka, India, and finally, Nepal. So it has been 55 days. Katmandu is my last stop before I fly back to Kuala Lumpur.

It has been a most memorable journey, highly rewarding and eye-opening. A region so rich yet so poor, depending on your point of view. 


Click here to see all the stops on this trip

My route map – from The Maldives to Sri Lanka, India, and Nepal:

My itinerary – from The Maldives to Sri Lanka, India, and Nepal:

  • The Maldives
  • Sri Lanka – Sigiriya
  • Sri Lanka – Anuradhapura
  • Sri Lanka – Trincomalee
  • Sri Lanka – Kandy
  • Sri Lanka – Ella
  • Sri Lanka – Merissa
  • India – Mumbai
  • India – Ahmedabad
  • India – Udaipur
  • India – Jodhpur
  • India – Jaisalmer
  • India – Jaipur
  • India – Agra
  • India – New Delhi
  • India – Varanasi
  • Nepal – Pokhara
  • Nepal – Kathmandu

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