See Morocco, One Of The World’s Most Popular Tourist Destinations In 2 Weeks 7/2023 (Stop 13 – Chefchaouen)

12 July 2023 From Fes, I rode in a bus to go further north, to Chefchaouen. I headed straight to the medina. If blue is your favorite color, this will be your dream world. After days of the earthy red-hot color in so many dry cities, this was almost too dramatic. Almost every street in the hilly old town was painted blue. The blue color dates back to the 15th century. The walls and steps were draped with carpets, traditional hats, dresses, and pots of vibrant colors. It was like decorating for a birthday party. Every corner and alley was a photo taken in fantasy land. Cute!

I walked to the top of the hill, where a small Spanish Mosque stood alone. A young crowd had gathered to watch the sunset. The sun came closer to say goodbye, hid behind the mountains, the sky ablaze with with orange. On the hillside, the ancient medina looked sky blue.  

Click here to see all the stops on this trip

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