See the hot spots around The Balkans In 60 Days – Stop 5 Salzburg Austria

5-7/8/2018. My plan was to go southward to go around the Balkans. That was my masterful master travel plan. After the Czech Republic, I discovered Salzburg was just next door. Oh, why don’t I just hop by? On the spur of the moment, I bought a train ticket to Salzburg.

There was also a music festival right at this time. No better time, indeed, to bring out the music to celebrate a glorious summer. It was a time to jostle with the locals; summer and music are for everyone. However, it was not so good for me to look for accommodation at the last minute. I did not want to pay too much for central accommodation. So, I looked online for somewhere close enough to Salzburg. I found one that described it as “13 kilometers away.” Close enough, I guessed. I waited 40 minutes at the bus stop, then after a half-an-hour ride, I took another taxi, and paid 30 euros, to finally arrive at the hotel. There was a public bus service, but only once a day in the morning. So, in hindsight, I had indeed been thinking with my behind. I did not know this little hotel was perched on top of a hill among the undulating landscape in the countryside, hugging a few bungalows for company. At night, darkness totally surrounded the hotel; I could hear the grass grow and the snores roaring. No Wi-Fi—that I felt so alone.

The next morning, I was excited to get on the only life-saving public bus into Salzburg city. The bus rounded one hill after another, every turn a truly picturesque painting. Remember the classic Sound of Music? Salzburg was the exact setting. How could a habitat be made a piece of art? How on Earth do they manicure this landscape, trim it to perfection, the houses clustered yet uncluttered? It really needed no sound of music to complement it. Back home, we consider ourselves well to do—we live in apartments, a few pot plants for company, and, if lucky, a little swimming pool to calm our nerves. Here, we enjoyed the scenery, while they lived it.

5-7/8/2018 本想克鲁洛夫后还在捷克往西走, 一看地图,原来萨尔茨堡 (奥地利) 就近在眼前,索性就买了火车票往奥地利去。

来得真不是时候,又碰上什么音乐节,当然也凑合旅游旺季,住宿一房难求。最后网上找了一家离萨尔茨堡十三公里的。十三公里本来就不算什么,且网上留评 ”地点不错”。到火车站后,在车站等了四十分,大巴行驶半小时到尽头,再叫辆的士,花了三十欧元,如意算盘的确没那么如意。原来小酒店就坐在又高又远的山坡上,跟几栋独立别墅寂寞团抱,一眼望去尽是起伏的绿地。

第二天一早望穿秋水等候每天就一班的公交进萨尔茨堡城。公交绕着这些绿山一坡一坡的转, 每拐个角又是一个自然的美丽画面。那经典名作“音乐之声” 就是这里取景的。其实站在这里更美,没必要配音乐之声。不能不佩服奥地利人的艺术感, 把自己居住环境雕刻得如诗如画。再配上天籁之音,这就是梦境。在家我们自命不凡,住豪宅公寓,养几颗盆栽促氧,一盆泳池松懈神经。我们欣赏美景, 他们生活在美景,我只能自命不如。

What is Salzburg known for? Mozart, of course. This was his birthplace. Unfortunately, he started decomposing after 34, leaving us, yearning for more. Have you heard any of his works? If not, you have missed the one way you could be transported into a different world. Fortunately for us all, whatever has been composed cannot be decomposed.

This city had a grayish tone. But the blue sky and green hills livened it up. The air filled with a vibe of music. This was a place to feel and be touched by music. I had the opportunity to go for one big fling—a live opera studded with stars. But I could not bring myself to part with 400 euros. Hmm, I had conflicts. I have good taste, not expensive taste. But it is a regret. After all, you can’t really buy beautiful things with money, can you?

萨尔茨堡是什么闻名? 当然是莫扎特。这是他出生地, 可是这音乐奇才不幸英年早逝, 三十四岁就走了,遗憾没多留给后人更多的享受。听过他的杰作吗?如还没,你可能错失一个可把你带入另一个自己的世界,只有自己知道,自己独享的世界。

这城市色调偏浅灰色,沉稳低调,幸好这里有的是青山绿水,夏日的阳光到处蓬荜生辉。这里有音乐的灵魂在空中随风飘着,仿佛莫扎特还在挥棒,这里是滋润音乐细胞的圣地。我有机会观赏名歌剧演出,可是要跟四百欧元割爱,我犹豫后还是回去听光盘算了, 反正又不是莫扎特本人指挥。是有遗憾,我可再等, 等我发富后再来挥金。

Click this link to see all the stops on this trip

Click this link to the next stop – Vienna, Austria

The stops on this trip:

  • Prague (Czech)
  • Pilsen
  • Cesky Budejovice
  • Cesky Krumlov
  • Salzburg (Austria)
  • Vienna
  • Bratislava (Slovakia)
  • Ljubljana (Slovenia)
  • Zagreb (Croatia)
  • Plitvice
  • Split
  • Brac
  • Hvar
  • Budrovnik
  • Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Sarajevo
  • Kotor (Montenegro)
  • Perast
  • Podgorica
  • Shkoder (Albania)
  • Komani Lake
  • Tirana
  • Berat
  • Prizren (Kosovo)
  • Pristina
  • Skopje (North Macedonia)
  • Ohrid
  • Sofia (Bulgaria)
  • Rila
  • Plovdiv
  • Varna
  • Bucharest (Romania)
  • Brasov
  • Sibiu

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