See the hot spots around The Balkans In 60 Days – Stop 13 Hvar, Croatia

22-23/8/2018. I continued island-hopping. From Brac, I sailed for an hour to Hvar, another enchanting island. It was fun to be traveling to Croatia at this time. The days were long, the sun was warm, the foliage was green, the water was clear, everyone was ready to party. But it was also difficult to find a room that matched my station in life.

From Bol, I planned to go next to Hvar town, but instead, I had to detour to a little place called Stari Grad to spend a night. No regrets, none whatsoever. It was low-key, unassuming, but not without charm. Just what I needed to put my feet up, smell around with a nosy face, incite local reactions with my exotic presence. I was pretty much the only one who looked alien. They did not bother to give me a second look; they left me alone; they wanted me to be myself. I could really retire here in my retirement, and when I die, have my body fed to the sharks in this peaceful water, or, if that’s not possible, my ashes scattered farther out in the sea, so this place remains pristine.

22-23/8/2018 从Bol我坐上渡轮,一小时后蹦到赫瓦尔岛。本打算下一站到赫瓦尔岛的赫瓦尔镇, 但因季节正旺,无法给我量身定做住宿,不得再次磕磕碰碰,误闯乱撞到这岛的一个历史小镇Stari Grad 过夜。


23/8/2018. The next morning, I set off to Hvar Town. It did not disappoint. I had so far not encountered a rainy day on the beach. Every day was a sun day. There was no litter, no jostling, no loud noise. Everyone just wanted to hear the breezes. No barbeque set either. The only barbeque was themselves—people of all contours and design, slabbing themselves on the hard rock or heated pebbles to brown themselves. When they were browned, they flipped over to make sure they were well done. It was so strange; they were so still, like a solar panel programmed to face the sun to catch the most direct sunlight. Everyone brought along their good mood. Just the people and the beach. No beer behavior. I heard this is a Catholic country, not alcoholic.

I wandered in like a foreign species, fully covered and with an umbrella in hand. They might think this was how an Asian albino looks. No matter, I only wanted to join the party, just a bit overdressed. Don’t mind me.

These party celebrations lured people with wealth to show off. Parked at the most prominent seafront, yachts carried little yachts on board, even helicopters, water scooters, basically toys for grown men who couldn’t forget their childhood toys. Was this really necessary? Don’t get me wrong, I believe in capitalism. Just that…, isn’t it too much bother to find parking space for these big toys? Personally, I prefer a Harley—only a kickstand is needed.

23/8/2018 第二早我向赫瓦尔镇出发。不出意料,又是有一个使人倾倒的美岛。这里周游多日,未逢雨天,天天都是晴阳。没有嚷叫,只有热闹,大家只有心情听轻柔的海风。 奇怪没见到烧烤,只有人肉烧烤 – 有三分姿色的, 或只有两分姿色的,肥环瘦燕,把自己贴在烧烫的岩石或卵石上烤,一阵子后,再翻过来,确保全熟,外焦里嫩。看起来是有点怪,好像太阳能板,都尽量朝阳,一丝不动躺着。

到这来游滩就像是受邀到一个户外泳池大派对, 你选你的滩位,你可挂上如两条小手帕的泳装,或找个较偏的摊位干脆就不穿了。真的, 虽然视力欠佳, 的确有一闪而过看到半或全光光的,这是这里的文化,不伤风气,无伤大雅。

到处大大小小的游艇, 艇上有艇, 艇上有电动车,和各式水上玩意, 甚至艇上有直升机的, 真的很过分, 使人看了不能不眼红,心中非常不爽。这样炫耀财富,也该有点罪恶感吧? 但这是资本主义,只要不是不义之财,也是一种鼓励。


Click this link to read the next stop – Dubrovnik

Click this link to see all the stops on this trip

The stops on this trip:

  • Prague (Czech)
  • Pilsen
  • Cesky Budejovice
  • Cesky Krumlov
  • Salzburg (Austria)
  • Vienna
  • Bratislava (Slovakia)
  • Ljubljana (Slovenia)
  • Zagreb (Croatia)
  • Plitvice
  • Split
  • Brac
  • Hvar
  • Dubrovnik
  • Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Sarajevo
  • Kotor (Montenegro)
  • Perast
  • Podgorica
  • Shkoder (Albania)
  • Komani Lake
  • Tirana
  • Berat
  • Prizren (Kosovo)
  • Pristina
  • Skopje (North Macedonia)
  • Ohrid
  • Sofia (Bulgaria)
  • Rila
  • Plovdiv
  • Varna
  • Bucharest (Romania)
  • Brasov
  • Sibiu

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