How to experience the best of Central America in 50 days solo and overland – Stop 6 La Fortuna, Costa Rica

29 Feb – 2 March 2024 I was making my way towards Nicaragua. From San Jose I rode a bus heading for La Fortuna, in Spanish means The Fortune. Let’s see.

Enormous and head and shoulders above everything else around here, very visible from the town center, is Arenal Volcano. Symmetrical cone-shaped, its top is often blanketed by thick clouds, keeping its top under wrap. It was active up to 2010 but has since been dormant. This volcano is alive and kicking; just not sure when it will kick up a fuss. Visiting a deadly slumbering giant is exciting. 

But what it destroys, it also bestows abundance. You will see.

At El Salto River, beneath the bridge in the town center, locals and many visitors had fun rope swing into the river. Others simply anchored themselves in the rocks in the river, amusing others and being amused.

Rope swing at El Salto, downtown La Fortuna
Open cultural dance in downtown La Fortuna

I then walked 5 km to the Fortuna Waterfall but did not want to pay USD 20 to see it with only half an hour to closing time. So I turned back and walked another 5 km back to town. I thought it was time well spent, on a scenic walk that saved me USD20. 

The following day, I hailed a taxi to the El Choyin Hot Spring, to see the part of the hot spring that was free-of-charge. Visitors in swimsuits were already lounging in the shallow, heated mountain river. Jungle foliage enveloped the scene, creating an exclusive nature spa.

Then, I had another taxi ride – this time to hike toward the base of the Arenal Volcano. The jungle was friendly, the hike gentle, At the end of the trail, I came face to face with the giant volcano, its threats seem less morbid. The foothill teemed with lush growth, gradually ascending to the volcano’s scarred peak.

La Fortuna: a place to feel young, active and live. The place to be out and about, with nature. 

Click here to start from Stop 1 – Stop 16 of this trip: How to experience the best of Central America in 50 days solo and overland, and other trips

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