See Vietnam in a new light – Stop 2 Nha Trang

9-11 October 2022 After spending 4 nights in Ho Chi Ming City, I rode the train going north to Nha Trang, a coastal city eight hours away. I arrived just in time for dinner, so I rewarded myself with a dinner on the 49th floor of the hotel. Sitting at the edge of the rooftop, Nha Trang city sprawled below, the streets highlighted by the low lights. Beyond the living nightlights, the mountains and sea were in total darkness.

The next morning, first thing first, to see the beach. I walked for only 10 minutes, barely enough to enjoy the walk.

Such a wide-open space. The beach was flat, and golden, like a pan cake. The South China Sea was calm and equally flat. The sky was cloudy white and blue, and cheerful. The hotels and building blocks were kept apart from the long beach by a wide road. On such a fine day, traffic and tourist were strangely scarce. Coconut trees lined the beach. Aside from the sound of crashing waves, nothing much stirred. To make sure you truly enjoy this tropical good time, almost all shops and restaurants entice you with fresh young coconut drown in tub of ice-cold water. They cut a small hole and insert a straw, then into your hand a complete coconut, no glass nor plastic. Now the chilled juice can flow. That’s refreshment!

I rented a bike with an empty tank. So I joined the locals at the busy petrol pump to fill up and then started gallivanting. I was once fearless, I can do it again. Be careful, but do not be afraid, even the girls are doing it. Continue at constant speed as you merge into a flowing traffic, or charging into a traffic in the right angle, you put your brake on alert mode, in case other riders do not budge. These are light vehicles, they could only give you a nudge if in contact; the most it could cause is a bruise and a splatter on the street, pretty much harmless. 

When in Rome, do as the Romans. Rent a bike, a motor bike or bicycle, go with the flow. Just roam, enjoy the breeze, take a stroll on the quiet beach, cool down under the coconut trees, be refreshed by the nectar from these husky nuts. This is how you enjoy Vietnam.

Rooftop view of Nha Trang

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