Abyaneh Iran 伊朗阿卜亚内赫 3/2018 (3)

10/3/2018. From Kashan, I rented a taxi heading for Abyaneh. On the way, nothing but desert, the dry, bland desert. Desert was good; I needed a break from the hustle and bustle, the noise and the crowd. And it was refreshingly sobering. After about an hour, I arrived at thousand-year-old Abyaneh.

The houses were characteristically red, as was the earth around. So they took what Mother Earth gives. Surrounding these houses were bald, snowcapped mountains. I explored all over this village, climbing the hills and the alleyways. I didn’t see many souls around. Surrounded by the desert, it looks very deserted, and in the end, I got lost. I finally came across a local, who could not speak English, had mercy on this lost soul, and delivered me to my waiting taxi on his bike. This was the second time I was taken for a ride in Iran.

10/3/2018 从卡尚我租了辆的士,一小时多后到阿卜亚内赫 (Abyaneh)。这是个千年古镇, 很有特色,一眼看去,都是红房子,周围山土同出一色,房子就地取材造的。周围雪山顶和秃山高高在上,把这些房子都挤到小峡谷里。我在这晕头乱转,爬山,走小巷;家家户门紧闭,道上鲜有人迹,结果把自己弄丢了。走了几条小巷后找到一位村民,一开口问路,语言不通,又盛情难却被他拎到电动车载到等候的的士。这是我在伊朗第二回无法抗拒被坐上电动车。

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