6-7/12/2018. After a couple of nights in Harare, I took an interstate bus at about 9 am to Victoria Falls. This is another long ride that would last 10 hours, but for the first time with air-conditioning. A lady led the bus in prayer at the start and end of the journey. The bus passed through Bulawayo, another well-known town with old colonial buildings, to arrive finally in the town of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, at about 8 p.m.
Victoria Falls, another very English name. Zimbabwe, so African, yet with such a strong lingering colonial past, even more so than where I live, Malaysia, and where I have lived, New Zealand, both also Commonwealth countries.
A sense of achievement traversing this country the hard way, by bus and alone. I sliced into the big cake and saw its many layers – cream, chocolate and all. I saw a cross-section of the country – I mingled with them in the buses for many hours; we went past many shades of tufted grassland, through many towns and villages and the people that lived in them, the colonial buildings still as whitewashed as ever, their colonial past not yet buried. In the evening, the orange sunset lit up the horizon, making the mountains before them, and the random trees, glow. I was self-consciously different, but I did not at all feel out of place. I think we have something in common, and not just the language.
6-7/12/2018 在哈拉雷(Harare)两晚后上大巴朝西部维多利亚瀑布去。又是一趟长途跋涉,但这次提供空调,车开出后一女乘客车厢前带头为大家祈祷。
满车都是津巴布韦人,人们总是注视或回眸一看, 可能是我有点脱色,体格看似缺养,怪不得都不自禁伸手援助。我和高兴有机会认识他们, 没感觉格格不入,没受丝毫排斥。这是在患难中虚心寻求上天庇佑的民族,希望他们尽快如愿以偿。
The bus from Harare to Victoria Falls 哈拉雷倒维多利亚瀑布大巴 Colonial style building in Bulawayo, on the way to Victoria Falls 到维多利亚瀑布路经的布拉瓦约殖民风格建筑 Colonial style building in Bulawayo 布拉瓦约殖民风格建筑 Architectural style of Bulawayo city布拉瓦约建筑风格 Bulawayo city 布拉瓦约市貌 Sunset as the bus drive toward Victoria Falls 大巴直奔维多利亚瀑布时的日落