See the free states of the Baltics in 3 weeks – Trakai Lithuania 6/2018 (9)

2/6/2018. I wanted to see more than the capital Vilnius, to get the true flavor of Lithuania. I read Trakai has a fairy-tale island castle and is only 40 minutes from Vilnius. When I arrived in the morning, I was surprised to be met by a parade ready to start off toward the town center.

2/6/2018 我希望到立陶宛不只看首都维尔纽斯;听说特拉凯有个童话般湖中城堡, 且只40分钟路程。一早抵达,意外发现今天恰好有游行正等待出发。

Not wanting to wait for the parade to start, I walked ahead along the route. A carnival for the children was already well underway.


The marching band spearheaded the parade. The girls took the lead, mace twirling and spinning to the music. The men submissively followed behind, blowing their trumpets. Women folks—Jews, Germans, Belarusians, Lithuanians, Russians, Poles—proudly dressed in their own cultural dresses, showcasing their own traditions but also the harmony. Mothers with their young girls marched past, followed by a few bikers on their beasts, making their presence heard with their deafening roars. At a junction, a wind ensemble made up of mature adults belted out youthful Michael Jackson songs, cheering the people on. I suddenly realized how American it all looked and sounded!

行进乐队打头阵,女孩带头,跟着音乐节拍, 边走边耍指挥棒;男生委屈跟在后面,日常雄风有所收敛,忍气吞声使劲吹喇叭,给女孩们打气;这村住了几个民族 – 犹太,德国,白俄罗斯,立陶宛,今天都以名族盛装亮相,和睦共处;游行街道上一个路口一管乐队,激情演奏米克贾格逊欢快名曲给游行助威;妈妈和孩子们手拉手随队游行欢庆;几个大个佬骑着哈雷也参与其中,所到之处,大踩油门,如雷贯耳;多年在苏联治下,今天反感觉情绪亲美。

The parade then converged at the town square, a crowd already gathered, and performances well underway. Many performances were simultaneously held at different spots over several hours. This was a small town; the whole town must have been mobilized. Young and old, boys and girls, all have come out to put on a show and to enjoy. Along the lakefront, open-air concerts played, people soaked in the sun wining and dining. The castle stood out of the water like a picture postcard, some boats quietly circling around. Everywhere I walked, I had music entering my ears and coming out of my ears; joy filled the air. I was told it was, and it truly has been, a Celebration of Summer; one of the happiest days in all my travels.


I came to see the island castle but was so totally swept up in the atmosphere and the performances of the day. I came to a real-life magical Disneyland. I lived my childhood fairy-tale here, even if just for a day.


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