See the free states of the Baltics in 3 weeks – Torun Poland 5/2018 (5)

26-27/5/2018. After two days pampered and cuddled by Poznan, I headed next to Torun, three hours away. I was informed that Torun is famous for three things: Gothic churches, Copernicus (never heard of him), and gingerbread. My interest was in gingerbread; I am a gingerbread man; the other two were of less consequence.

Upon arrival in Torun, a few gingerbread shops accosted me. I rushed in, bought a bag of it, and gobbled it before I could take any photos. I then bought a few more just to shoot it. The gingerbread here is soft and tasty, unlike the hard nuts sold through the supermarkets back home. Is that why they call it ginger nut? Is it nut, bread, or cookie?

26-27/5/2018 在波兹南受宠两天后我继续前行,到三小时外的托伦。旅客信息中心说这城市以三样闻名,一,哥特式教堂; 二,古名人尼古拉.哥白尼 (Copernicus);三, 姜饼。最引起我注意的就是姜饼;平凡不起眼,不见经传的饼干也能名闻遐迩吗?


As reputed, I could see many Gothic buildings in the city. It is very much a feature of this city, with their distinctive pointy spires and pinnacles capping the roof lines. Are these just for our aesthetic enjoyment or lightning rods that steal thunder? They make the buildings look much taller, though. Their jagged nature and generous use of triangles provide interesting variations to the many typical box-like architectural styles.

Then there is the statue of Copernicus. Against popular belief of that time, he suggested that the Sun, not the Earth, is the center of the universe. Remarkably courageous, considering how common even today to think we are the center of the universe, that everyone should revolve around us. His statue was rather demure, preferring not to be the center of attention.

老区里转了一圈, 的确不少哥特式建筑。特征明显-指天塔尖,古色墙体,多角楼顶,跟新楼形成对照。


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