19-20/4/2015. At the airport, a band dressed in bright colors played in the arrivals hall, welcoming tourists and getting us into the mood. I had little time in the Bahamas—to be precise, only a day and a half—but I wanted to load as much as possible into my eyeballs. I approached a taxi parked by the roadside. The driver agreed to take me along the coast on one side of the Nassau island, for USD 100 an hour. Not content with what I saw after the one-hour tour, I asked him to take me along the coast on the other side of the island.
Crystal clear water was not good enough. Nature wants it to be beautiful to seduce. A monotone in color will be monotonous. It added nuanced hues, to make it irresistible; subtle shades of colors, to add allure. Monochromatic blue and turquoise by design, of turquoise blue, cadet blue, celeste, pale turquoise, diluted to be light but not bright, to be soft and not flashy.
These beautiful colors were laid on white sandy beaches, beaches that slide invitingly gently into the water. The water was so calm it rolled up the beach with hardly a whimper, barely making any baby waves. The sea was alive, yet not too lively. They seduced.
These beaches are often within walking distance of the shops, restaurants, houses, and not to mention the beach parties. Man kicks up a lot of dust and spews pollution. How on Earth was it possible to keep the water so unadulteratedly clear as if it has just rained from heaven? I struggled to understand.
I came, I saw, I was conquered.
The Atlantis Paradise Island was another tourist attraction too glamourous to miss. I would visit the Atlantis in Dubai later, on another trip. They were vastly different. There was much more going on here in the Bahamas. So maybe it was because of the casino, which Dubai does not have, being a Muslim-majority country—nothing beats a bit of sinful activity to suck in the moths into a flame. But there was more. The way the seawater swirled around the resort buildings stirred my imagination. The lost city of Atlantis was again found.
Numerous luxury yachts were anchored on the seafront, some with helicopters on board. I have seen dinghies on yachts. I have seen helicopters on an aircraft carrier. But a helicopter on a yacht? That is over the top, almost obscene. These superyachts were anchored with their sterns facing the promenade. Under a bright moon, with candles lit, these yachts transformed into love boats. The love birds enjoyed a candlelight dinner in full view of the strollers along the bank. Strolling alone along the promenade, munching my cheap burger, I wanted to throw up. Okay, that’s jealousy. Honestly, as a Chinese, I still believe to get rich is glorious.
19-20/4/2015 到巴哈马机场一步入大堂就听到欢乐的乐声,一流行乐队击鼓弹唱欢迎游客。这次到巴哈马没太多时间,其实就只一天半。我在路边请停靠的的士载我环岛转一转,他要价一小时100美元,我欣然接受,其实也没时间讨价还价。的士沿岛的一方跑玩一圈后,我意犹未尽,再掏100美元往岛的另一方跑,两小时把这主岛基本收入眼内。这是一个绿宝石宝岛,四面被清澈的绿蓝水环抱,就像欣赏金发碧眼的美丽,虽没时间好好坐下来尽泡在这美丽中,每个细胞都已给这美渗透,身心完全给这美勾魂。在人烟的环境这岛洁身自净太绝了。
亚特兰蒂斯度假胜地也值得一游。我几年后去过迪拜亚特兰蒂斯,区别还是明显的。其一就是迪拜亚特兰蒂斯没赌场, 因迪拜是伊斯兰国家。金钱和贪婪能使死气沉沉变成花花世界。除此,这巴哈马亚特兰蒂斯设计很成功将清澈巴哈马海诱入建筑四周,古神话中遗失的亚特兰蒂斯海底王国在我眼前重现。
停靠在码头是无数的超豪艇。有些豪艇上还停放着直升机。有必要吗?坐橡皮艇上岸很委屈吗?这样炫富很使人不爽。夜幕刚降,月亮挂在半空,豪艇船尾对着行人码头,摆着烛光餐桌。又是有钱人,得江山得美人,羡煞旁人。我在岸边抬不起头散步,啃着便宜的汉堡包,忌火中烧, 想着想着很想作呕。其实我也不喜欢这玩意,在中国国内连停车位都难找,更何况这庞然大物。但我还是相信致富是光荣的。
Cruise ships in the Bahamas 停泊巴哈马豪华邮轮 Bahama beach 巴哈马海滩 A marina, The Bahamas 小游艇船坞, 巴哈马 Bahama beach 巴哈马海滩 Bahama beach 巴哈马海滩 Atlantis, The Bahamas 巴哈马亚特兰蒂斯 Luxury yachts in The Bahamas 停靠巴哈马豪华游艇 Bahama beach 巴哈马海滩 Bahama beach 巴哈马海滩 Bahama beach 巴哈马海滩 Bahama beach 巴哈马海滩 Bahama beach 巴哈马海滩 Colorful chalet on the beach 亮丽的海滩小屋 Bahama beach 巴哈马海滩 Bahama beach 巴哈马海滩 Bahama beach 巴哈马海滩 Bahama beach 巴哈马海滩