See mysterious Kathmandu stuck in time 11/2023 (Stop 17 part 1)

2-3 November, 2023 Katmandu, Nepal.

During the 5 days in Pokhara I did try to rise as high and as early as I could, to get a closer look at the Himalaya peaks, and to see Nepal from high up. After enjoying the finest views of the Himalayas in Pokhara, this time, I flew, instead of going through the grind of a 10-hour bus ride. Soon after piercing the sky, the white Himalayas approached, as commanding as ever, already partially obscured by the clouds from public view. From the airplane’s left window, the propeller was turning fast and furious. The Himalayas soon lagged. I wished we flew closer to the peaks, but that would be kamikaze. Then, vast valleys crowded with houses came into view. We soon came down to earth, after 25 minutes, and landed in Kathmandu.

In the center of the old town was Durbar Square. Hindu temples, palaces, statues, and other historical buildings were well restored and maintained, all dressed up. The temples were particularly eye-catching. They were 3 or 4 stories high, each story with a roof on top of another. The wood carvings were exquisite; they must be appreciated with a magnifying glass. They stood chest out, chin-up, proudly showing off their Nepalese artistic and craftsmanship.

The Durbar Square captured its history, wrapped in ancient religions, remote and mysterious. No wonder Katmandu felt mythical and legendary.

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My route map – The Maldives, Sri Lanka, India, Nepal:

My itinerary – from The Maldives to Sri Lanka, India, and Nepal:

  • The Maldives
  • Sri Lanka – Sigiriya
  • Sri Lanka – Anuradhapura
  • Sri Lanka – Trincomalee
  • Sri Lanka – Kandy
  • Sri Lanka – Ella
  • Sri Lanka – Merissa
  • India – Mumbai
  • India – Ahmedabad
  • India – Udaipur
  • India – Jodhpur
  • India – Jaisalmer
  • India – Jaipur
  • India – Agra
  • India – New Delhi
  • India – Varanasi
  • Nepal – Pokhara
  • Nepal – Kathmandu

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