21-22/3/2017 I left Huacachina for Nazca the same day I arrived there. As I stood in the local bus looking down the aisle, I saw all these innocent big eyes staring at this yellow gringo with squirmy eyes who had trespassed into their land. I felt nervous initially, but soon felt at ease after they beamed at me a lot of smiles. The bus played a video, a kung-fu movie starring Jackie Chan and Jet Li. Of course, Jackie and Jet were speaking to each other in fluent Español. That was a nice compromise—a welcome experience for me and a movie the locals could understand
The journey from Lima to Nazca had been one of just desert, toast-brown desert. My goodness, this was really an unusual country, on one side was the sea and on the other the desert. Sea and sand normally is a marriage made in heaven, but in this case, the sand has gone too far, too far inland. But I still enjoyed the whole wild and unforgiving landscape. It was nature in its most natural state.
That very night, I arrived in Nazca. I took a quick walk around town. Couldn’t find any McDonald’s, so it must be pretty small; a humble town with quite a reputation.
21-22/3/2017 – 当天马不停蹄离开绿洲前往纳斯卡。这大巴较大众化,上车一眼望过去全是秘鲁人,心里确有点感觉格格不入。不过乘客友善目光和灿烂微笑后,我很快就平定下来。车上还有电影视频,还真的有好戏上演。没想到,千里迢迢,在秘鲁深处,在秘鲁群众当中,放映了成龙大哥和连杰师傅的一套电影,当然少不了配了个洋小鲜肉为配角迎合口味。当然,两位师傅是以流利的西语对白。我心想他们肯定为我特意播放这电影。
A Chinese movie in the bus to Nazca 往纳斯卡大巴上放映中文电影 Flooded road on the way to Nazca Nazca town 纳斯卡镇 Nazca town at night 夜晚的纳斯卡镇
I took a taxi with another couple to the desert area outside Nazca town. From atop a steel tower purpose-built as an observation tower, actually more of a flimsy steel scaffolding, I could see these prints left on the desert floor. The best views were from the plane because these sketches are really quite enormous. They were diagrams of lizards, birds, humans, etc.; kind of cute, like the Teletubbies. To this day, nobody knows how these have come to be.
我跟一对情侣租车到镇外的沙漠,在高铁台观望印在沙漠地上清晰可见的图案, 这就是著名的纳斯卡地画。图案个别百米以上,游客通常要做飞机才可一览无余。至今没肯定解释图案来由。图案有壁虎,人,鸟等。是谁的杰作,图案是什么意义,什么目的?我站在这干旱沙漠一头雾水,奇妙但使人莫名其妙,匪夷所思,至今没有答案。秘鲁的前世充满神秘。
The Nazca desert landscape 纳斯卡沙漠地貌 Nazca lines in the desert 纳斯卡沙漠的地画 Nazca lines in the desert 纳斯卡沙漠的地画 Nazca lines in the desert 纳斯卡沙漠的地画 Me and the Nazca lines 我和纳斯卡地画 Nazca lines on the hills in the desert 纳斯卡地画 Nazca lines on the hills in the desert 纳斯卡地画 Nazca lines on the hills in the desert 纳斯卡地画
I climbed two little molehills to look as far as the eyes could see: numerous straight lines, straight as an arrow, that stretched to the end of the horizon, truly another most incredible sight. That they are each visible from so high up means they were quite wide, not just thin lines. It was almost like child play but on a massive scale. Who drew these lines in the sand, like indelible lines that remain till today? This is a day I was left scratching my head. It was both strange and bizarre. It kept me wondering about these wonders. How? Why? Without seeing more of this country, I already loved Peru.
登上两小山丘,一眼望过去,都是许许多多的直线,延伸到视线尽头。这些不是细细的线条而是有一定宽度的,要乘飞机在上空才能看清全图的。哗!这工程不小,谁干的? 是干嘛的? 是如何完成的? 谁有这么大兴致这样玩沙?我真摸不着头脑。这太诡异了,秘鲁真神秘诱人。
Lines in the sand for as far as the eyes could see 延伸到天边的线条 Me and the Nazca lines 我和纳斯卡线条 Lines in the sand for as far as the eyes could see 延伸到天边的线条