5/8/2019. Next to the St. Basil’s Cathedral looms the Kremlin, the Russian seat of power. I walked around the compound within the walls. Beautiful churches with those exaggerated golden and colorful domes stood on the same ground local and world politics were being played out. I was tempted to ask the security guards where Putin’s office was. I resisted; curiosity might just kill a cat.
At the end of the day, I sat at an intersection, still unable to take my eyes off this mythic center of power, pondering the politics of religion and the religion of politics, enjoying my most delicious seafood pizza.
5/8/2019 – 在圣巴西勒教堂旁就是权力中心克林姆林宫。 我有机会在围墙内四周溜达。这里意外的蹲着几座历史大教堂。虽看了不少教堂,还是百看不厌,闪耀的金色圆顶,大大的教堂,颜色夸张但又搭配得体,不得不每次另眼相看,换角度欣赏。见到保安,有冲动想问普京办公室在哪 – 这可能是危险的好奇。
Inside the Kremlin walls 克里姆林宫围墙内 Inside the Krelim walls 克里姆林宫围墙内 Inside the Kremlin walls 克里姆林宫围墙内 Garden inside the Kremlin walls 克里姆林宫围墙内花园 Inside the Kremlin walls 克里姆林宫围墙内 Inside the Kremlin walls – a big bell with a big hole sitting on the ground 克里姆林宫围墙内穿了个口的大钟 Inside the Kremlin walls 克里姆林宫围墙内 Inside the Kremlin walls, a big canon 克里姆林宫围墙内的一大炮 Inside the Kremlin walls, a big canon 克里姆林宫围墙内的一大炮 Interior of cathedral inside the Kremlin walls 克里姆林宫围墙内教堂大堂 Inside the Kremlin walls 克里姆林宫围墙内 Outside the Kremlin walls, enjoying my seafood pizza 克里姆林宫围墙外享用海鲜比萨