16/8/2019 – After a night at Irkutsk, I joined a minibus to Khuzhir on Okhlon Island, paying 1000 roubles for the privilege. The island is reputed to be the best place to see Lake Baikal. We started off at about 10 am, arriving at about 4 pm. All these troubles to get here, is Lake Baikal cracked up to be, a must-see for visitors? Is it just hyped up by the records – the largest by volume, the oldest, the deepest? Upon arrival, with a few hours left before the sun dims, I set about exploring the vicinity.
It is not just a massive pond of water. We had not come to see how big or how deep it is. Where the land meets the water, it was beauty and excitement. On the hilltops, with only crew-cut grass and hardly any trees, the views are unobstructed, stretching as far as the eyes can see. And it is not just a pretty face. Under the eyes, the unguarded edges, the abrupt ends, the steep plunges, and the rugged and odd rock formations to test one’s limits. After all the pulsating tip-toeing at the edges, stroll to the shore below to ease up, to see the face of the lake close up.
A lake is usually a beauty to behold. Baikal is more than that; there is more than what meets the eyes. I could feel, touch, and experience Baikal. I stretch myself to the very end, dangling over the edge while being drunk with its beauty. At Baikal, I could dare it, taunt it and live dangerously.
16/8/2019 – 在伊尔库茨克一晚后搭上中巴到奥克伦岛的库尔希尔(Khuzhir)。这岛是赏贝加尔湖最佳地点。早上十点开车,下午四点才到。不因水量最大,最古老或最深的名气老远跋涉到此。在太阳没消失前,我抓紧时间在附近先睹为快。
这不只是一个水量惊人的池塘。我们没来赞叹她有多深有多大,也不只是使人陶醉的美景。在山坡顶上的草地地上漫步赏景,草坡往湖边延伸,突然眼下就是一落千丈的峭壁,没围栏也没栏杆,你想怎样玩这擦边球,你就自己看着玩。你要怎样炫耀胆魄,在刀尖上自拍,你高兴,你决定。又美又刺激, 这就与众不同了。
Lake Baikal at Khuzhir 胡日尔的贝加尔湖 Lake Baikal at the Khuzhir locality 胡日尔的贝加尔湖 Lake Baikal at Khuzhir 胡日尔的贝加尔湖 Lake Baikal at Khuzhir 胡日尔的贝加尔湖 Lake Baikal at Khuzhir 胡日尔的贝加尔湖 Lake Baikal at Khuzhir 胡日尔的贝加尔湖 Lake Baikal at Khuzhir 胡日尔的贝加尔湖 Lake Baikal at Khuzhir 胡日尔的贝加尔湖 Lake Baikal at Khuzhir 胡日尔的贝加尔湖 Lake Baikal at Khuzhir 胡日尔的贝加尔湖 Lake Baikal at Khuzhir 胡日尔的贝加尔湖 Lake Baikal at Khuzhir 胡日尔的贝加尔湖 Lake Baikal at Khuzhir 胡日尔的贝加尔湖 Lake Baikal at Khuzhir 胡日尔的贝加尔湖