21/8/2019. After two days of rest, I departed Ulan-Ude at 11 p.m. to arrive in Chita at about 10 a.m. the next day. By now, a train ride of fewer than 14 hours was a breeze. Sleeping among strangers, queuing for the washroom, rubbing shoulders in a confined space with Russians of all types—singles, families, children, and adults—I was feeling Russian. They are so like us—they love their children, care for strangers, and are quite civil, though there are also the odd ones who are quite incapable of smiling. It was interesting watching the Russians passing by on the streets, but nothing like living and sleeping with the Russians—they are much nicer than on the street and very much like us under the hood.
I did not come to Chita to see anything in particular. It was just another stepping stone to break up the long journey east. My next train was at 2 a.m. With a few hours to kill, I checked into a hostel to visit the town, wash up, then check out.
It was a pretty docile town, without a lot of buzz. No one had to hurry and scurry. But Lenin again greeted me in the public square, and I was happy again to be his photographer as if I were on a Lenin circuit tour. Only the stately buildings in the town square and along the main streets helped the city put on an appearance of size.
21/8/2019 – 乌兰乌德两天后晚上十一点上火车往赤塔(Chita)去, 第二天早上十点抵达。十多小时的车程对我这沙场老将已经不是什么事儿了。在狭小车厢跟俄人同室,排队上洗手间,是认识俄人难逢机会。 车内各形各式俄人 – 单身,家庭,男女老幼,私底下跟我们都一样。爱家庭,友善有礼,当然也有例外,怎样都都挤不出一个笑容。街上所见只是外表,在这里更能看到车盖底下俄人真面目。
没计划到赤塔追看任何名点, 只借此缩短下一车程。下一趟车是早上两点,有几小时间消磨,我就找了个床位,方便洗漱也顺便市内溜达。
![Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God 东正大教堂](https://perfectthen.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/20190821_111335.jpg)
![Statue of Lenin in the city square 中心广场的列宁雕像](https://perfectthen.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/20190821_121312.jpg)
![Chita city square 赤塔广场](https://perfectthen.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/20190821_121454.jpg)
![Chita city square 赤塔广场](https://perfectthen.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/20190821_121634.jpg)
![Chita city center 赤塔市中心](https://perfectthen.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/20190821_140457.jpg)
![Park in the city center - military displays 市中心公园展示军械](https://perfectthen.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/20190821_140647.jpg)
![Park in the city center - military displays 市中心公园展示军械](https://perfectthen.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/20190821_141556.jpg)
![Chita city center 赤塔市中心](https://perfectthen.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/20190821_142709.jpg)