Good that both are vegetarian 幸好都是吃素的
10-11/11/2018. We spent an entire day traversing the vast expanse of Masai Mara. Zoos are for children; the big boys play on safaris, like paparazzi armed with intrusively long telescopic lenses.
A lion family was sitting at the breakfast table, enjoying a sumptuous breakfast as a happy family. A big carcass had been torn apart, leaving some leftovers for lunch. We saw quite a few kills, and we reveled in them, like those ancient Romans in the amphitheaters. Gory but natural, a fair game.
We got out of the car to have lunch in this jungle where the beasts roam freely—my insect repellent was my only self-defense. All six of us, men and women, urinated on the ground in this totally unfenced area to mark our territory, the only bush toilet in this reserve. We then took time to take photos and selfies, ignoring any lurking dangers. Cool, huh? We came to no harm. I guess the wind blew in the right direction, and the animals smelled it.
Come and experience this miracle, a Jurassic Park that still exists today.
10-11/11/2018 昨天下午抵达后匆忙猎游两下时, 今天又猎游了八小时。动物园是小孩的游戏, 猎游才是大人的玩意。这么辽阔的草原至今未被开发为居住区,高尔夫场或商场而保留为野兽栖息地真是个奇迹。今天目睹鬣狗跟一群秃鹰捍卫自己猎物,一群庞大的河马水中浸泡,狮子一家大小在吃早餐,一群水野牛与一群斑马如左邻右舍般共处,一只花豹装酷在乘凉,大象在小泥潭玩乐,一只狮子在守护着一只死角马,另一处一只在守护着死斑马,无法打包,只能在餐桌等到饿了再吃。有些看似残酷但也自然。这公园看到最多的就是角马和斑马,密密麻麻的散布在这大片草地上。午饭时就在公园的草地上铺了块布就地用餐。 这里可也是猛兽吃饭的地方, 没隔离开的。一车男女六人还在这国家保护公园的草地就地解决人之一急,像老祖宗几千年前一样, 在潜伏着野兽的地方, 更要急上加急。解决后大家其乐融融乘机自拍和互拍留念,没顾虑狮子是否闻风而至,会不会凑巧也在附近散步。在他们眼里我们只是他们的衣冠禽兽, 一踏出车门就名正言顺的是他们的桌上餐了。今天非常享受,非常的享受。
Good that both are vegetarian 幸好都是吃素的 The intrusive paparazzis in Masai mara national park 马赛马拉公园内狗仔队 This lion totally dazed, pursued and surrounded by spectators 被狗仔队围绕得困惑的老狮 Lunch in the open field in the Masai Mara National Park 马赛马拉国家公园内午餐 Elephant drinking from dwindling mud pool 象子快消失泥潭吸水 Cheetah resting in the shade 猎豹荫下乘凉 Zebras 斑马 Happy family 合家欢 Lion family just finished meaty breakfast 狮子家庭刚用完早餐 Hippo in communal bath 河马群泡 Hippos in river in the Park 河马在公园河里泡澡 Lion watching over his leftover 吃不完的无法打包,只能守住 Watching over his leftover 吃不完的无法打包,只能守住