Nairobi city center 内罗毕市中心
12/11/2018. After three days and two nights in Masai Mara, I headed back to Nairobi. The first two hours of the ride were exhilarating. Sometimes I saw a vague path, at other times, I saw only hardened mud surfaces and crushed grass ahead. The way forward was not pretty, it was so trampled and disfigured. The minivan had to find its own way, instead of staying on the straight and narrow; sometimes it has to muscle its way through a herd of cattle. That made the ride so much more fun.
I was now heading back to the concrete jungle, from one where animals prey on each other, to a dog-eat-dog world. The almost endless grassland that accompanied us the whole way was really easy on the eyes, but as soon as we hit Nairobi, the sweet-smelling car fumes of converging cars hit me, as if a giant magnet had sucked them into the tight spot around me. It was almost dawn, and I quick-stepped around the city center and CBD. I saw people were queuing for the buses, quietly and in an orderly fashion, dressed smartly and modestly, not in high fashion. I was expecting loudness and rowdiness; I did not hear that. And that spoke volumes.
Kenya beguiled me with its wild animals still roaming the lands, expansive grasslands, friendly and courteous people, the unenviable gridlock of cars, and humble tin roof churches. I feel endeared to this land, to the very essence of Africa.
12/11/2018 在马赛马拉三天后回到内罗毕。真是两个不同世界,但都是弱肉强食的世界。这回程路上看着窗外无穷尽的草原,眼球一路美景凉风轻柔,是最自然的享受。一到内罗毕, 呛人的乌烟瘴气,急死人的堵塞,恨不得把眼球挤出来泡在冰啤。快到黄昏, 在市中心和商圈快步转。的确不少办公楼,商铺,人流,是个像样的大城市。
肯尼亚有独特的自然野兽栖息地,无尽的草原, 友善礼貌的肯尼亚人,水泄不通的交通, 简陋的锌顶小教堂,下班时间人们安静井然排队侯车。我虽然是万黑丛中一点黄, 还是对这地方感觉亲切。这是个特别的地方,很高兴我来了。
Mud road of Masai mara, blocked by cattle 出马赛马拉土路被牛群挡路 Shops in Nairobi city center 内罗毕市中心商店 Nairobi city center 内罗毕市中心 Nairobi city center 内罗毕市中心 Nairobi city center 内罗毕市中心 Nairobi city center 内罗毕市中心 Nairobi city center 内罗毕市中心 People queuing quietly for buses in the city center 人们排队候车