26/4/2017 I broke my own record yet again, this time leaving Buenos Aires on a 20-hour bus ride. The rain had been dripping naggingly through the night, with thick vegetation starting to appear outside the bus windows. I opened my eyes first thing in the morning, and the murky and wet weather totally enveloped us. Kind of depressing, but for me, a time to withdraw to some inner thoughts after the constant fun of the past weeks.
I was finally at the border. The bus crossed the bridge dividing the two nations, the first half marked in Argentinian colors, the second half Brazilian. I suppose it was better that way than to fight over ambiguity—just look at how both sides often chased after a silly soccer ball on the pitch and got all worked up over it.
I did not know I was coming to Iguazú. When I told my young airbnb hostess in Buenos Aires I was going to São Paulo, she said, “Since you are going that way anyway, why don’t you go to Iguazú?”
“What’s that?”
But I was so glad I came, or I would be kicking myself for the rest of my life. I then got down to booking my Iguazu accommodation. Unbeknown to me there is an Iguazu Argentina and another Iguazu Brazil. So I would end up booking for Iguazu in another country, going to Iguaçu in Brazil first yesterday, before returning to Argentina again to visit Iguazú there.
The Brazilian side is panoramic, the Argentinian one is wider, with more viewpoints. Honestly, I can’t separate the two; both are must-see. There was so much vegetation and so much water swirling around. Water ran amok around and through the vegetation as if they had just burst out in a jailbreak. In their rush, some of the waters collided to produce enveloping mist. This was no quiet beauty. It was pulsating. It was a pin-up.
If you have someone you love or have a crush on, or someone who loves you, make it known you are done giving or receiving chocolate, perfume, roses, lingerie, diamond ring, cute puppies, sports cars, or luxury apartments. You need a hurrah, an all-conquering moment, that sweeps her off her feet, or that leaves him forever enslaved. If you are unloved, unwanted, just carry your backpack here to nourish your soul. This is heaven on earth, don’t miss it.
26/4/2017 这次我又打破自己记录,乘二十小时旅游大巴离开布诺斯艾丽斯,整晚雨水喋喋不休的下,这片土地开始出现茂密雨林。一早起来,申了懒腰,张开眼睛看到这样的天空还真不习惯,还是那灰蒙蒙,有点像那久违薶气的家乡感
原计划中没想到伊瓜苏。其实连这名字也没听过,直到在布诺斯艾利斯时房东建议说,“你既然要到巴西圣保罗, 何不顺道到伊瓜苏?”。我还犹豫,满头雾水 “有什么好看的!”。幸好来了, 不然要遗憾终身。于是当时就订了住宿,没想这伊瓜苏一脚踏在阿根廷,一脚在巴西,我网上错订了巴西。就这样昨天先到巴西先看那边的伊瓜苏瀑布,今天再回头到阿根廷伊瓜苏。水量之浩瀚,水势之汹涌,蛮撞穿过丛草,绕过岩石,一落千丈的跳水,撞击得水花四溅,搞得我又一次一头雾水。真是个大释放,山水争先恐后窜逃。巴西那方的特色是他的全景,而阿根廷的更广,更多观点。一菜两吃,各有特色,两个你都要双收,缺一不可。你如有暗恋你的人,暗示他/她这里是情人天堂,你如有爱着的人,一直送巧克力,玫瑰, 香水, 维密,钻石,跑车, 洋房这类的已经不管用,是时候来次大征服,来个轰轰烈烈的,相信我,十拿九稳。你如没人爱,也没人要,卸下一切背个包,到这来滋润你的心灵。这浩大生动的美景,非虚言,这里简直就是凡间仙境。
Day break from the bus on the way to Iguazu 往伊瓜苏路上日出 Sceneries on the way to Iguazu 往伊瓜苏路上景观 Border station at Iguazu 伊瓜苏边境站 Crossing bridge over river marking the border between Argentina and Brazil 过阿根廷巴西河流界线
Iguazu Falls enveloped in mist 伊瓜苏瀑布水花雾气 Iguazu Falls enveloped in mist 伊瓜苏瀑布水花如雾 Iguazu Falls 伊瓜苏瀑布 Iguazu Falls rush like a flush 伊瓜苏瀑布如马桶急冲 Iguazu Falls in midst of thick vegetation 伊瓜苏茂林中瀑布 Iguazu Falls and rain bows 伊瓜苏瀑布和彩虹 It is as if all the bushes are leaking water 好像整个丛林都在漏水 Iguazu Falls 伊瓜苏瀑布 Me rearing my ugly head at Iguazu Falls 我也来跟伊瓜苏瀑布抢镜头 Iguazu Falls 伊瓜苏瀑布 Iguazu Falls 伊瓜苏瀑布 Iguazu curtain waterfalls 伊瓜苏瀑布帘 Iguazu curtain waterfalls 伊瓜苏瀑布帘