I have gone behind the firewall the past couple of weeks, where Instagram, Google, and Facebook are not available. Feels good to be back in Shanghai, my other home, after an absence of a year. I felt a chill down my spine and condensation in my nostrils; it’s winter here. Love to sit buck naked on my hot seat, my toilet seat, even when I have no business there—it’s electrically heated and the warmest part of the house.
Walking on pedestrian crossings, I was stunned like a deer gazing at headlights when cars actually stopped while I sprang across. After 20 years here, the authorities finally imposed fines on cars for trying to mow people down. The subway system continued to expand, more lines added, people moving like earthworms in these subterranean subways, somehow miraculously avoiding crashing into each other. In every crowded space, large sections of people bowed their heads in silent reverence, as if the phone screen is their prayer book. Constant public announcements reminded people not to look at their phones while walking. We don’t want to see girls falling into a manhole. But till death will they part with their phones, I guess. The ubiquitous delivery men swarmed streets and apartments, weaving between obstacles on their overloaded electric scooters delivering merchandise—it’s like Black Friday every day, as if there is no tomorrow.
I visited the largest Starbucks roastery in the world. Yes, it is in Shanghai; no, it is not Starbucks roast chicken. Impressive, crowded, though pricey. The more mature people were still dancing in public squares, like the old days—that’s as erotic a dance gets here. Sorry, no erotism, we are Chinese. After a couple of months in Africa, this place feels like it is exploding with energy, as if everyone is on turbocharge. So many moving parts in this megacity, yet working like clockwork, exciting and fun to watch.
离别一年后回到上海感觉真好。非洲大马后踏步上海感觉冬天难受,可是回家温暖。光着屁股坐在电热马桶上不想起身, 这是房子最暖和的地方。过斑马线时车辆给我让路使我措手不及,我以为司机良心发现,听说是因为已实施重罚。这么多年我还以为在人口大国这是不可能的了。地铁线不断扩张,大量人群如蚯蚓不见天日在地下缵动,盲头苍蝇急往前冲。人群总是低头似在虔诚祈祷,广播像老妈唠叨提醒大家不要走路看手机,可是人们对手机爱不释手,好像额头已长眼睛。专递派送员骑着电瓶车像野牛无声横冲直撞,大街小巷和公寓民房无所不在,好像每天都是光棍节。路过世界最大星巴克就进去凑热闹,是的,就在上海,时髦之都。虽价格不菲还是高朋满座 – 苹果可以不再咬一口, 咖啡瘾却欲罢不能呀。人们还在广场跳舞,不能说舞姿性感但激情四射, 看了蠢蠢欲动。这城市充满活力和能量, 好像吃了过量兴奋剂。无数转动部件,但都有序运转。非洲走了一趟回来,发现这股劲,人多势众的劲,如核爆一样,莫大潜力