How to experience the unique cultures of Xinjiang, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in 70 days (Stop 7 Kuerdening)

Kuerdening, Ili, Xinjiang. Visited on 27th June 2024.

After a full day enjoying the grassland in Nalati, I again joined a pool car to go westward into the state of Ili. Many from around China drive here, enjoying the freedom to roam freely. Otherwise, driving your rented car or car-pool with fellow travelers to hire a driver are the popular alternatives.

We first stopped at Kuerdening(库尔德宁), in the state of Ili in Xinjiang. The ethnic Kurds live here. We deposited our luggage at the Tourist Center and then joined the buses that took visitors on the designated scenic routes.

The grassland has extended from beyond Nalati to Kuerdening. In heavily populated China, this feels like the last sanctuary.  The grass carpeted the undulating landscape, without wrinkles and creases. Dark green fir trees clustered around some valleys and slopes, standing upright and shooting for the sky. Horses took those who wished to climb the hills without sweating. Small flowers levitated on the grass like everything was blooming, even the grass.

We completed the routes by the late afternoon. We then took a pooled taxi to Yining, the state capital of Ili. I covered a lot of ground, more specifically, grassland, in a day. I was as happy as a cow, or horse, with my feet on the grass.  

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The Route map for this Trip:

The Stops:

China Urumqi > Turpan > Kuerle > Kuqa > Kashgar > Kuqa > Nalati (via Duku Scenic Drive) > Kuerdening > Yining > Sailimu Lake > Yining > Urumqi > Buerjin > Kanas Lake > Hemu > China Urumqi > Krygyzstan Bishkek > Bokonbayevo (Issyk kul Lake) > Karakol > Krygyzstan Bishkek > Ubezkistan Tashkent > Tajikistan > Khujand > Panjakent (and Haft Kul/The Seven Lakes) > Iskanderkul > Dushanbe > China Urumqi > Hami > Dunhuang > Jiayuguan > Zhangye > Lanzhou > Xian   

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