How to experience the best of Central America in 50 days solo and overland – Stop 2 Boquete

18-19 February 2024  After spending 3 days in Panama City enjoying the sea, I boarded a night bus bound for the mountainous town of Boquete near the border with Costa Rica. At an elevation of 1200m, Boquete is cooler. The little town is surrounded by mountains and a thick pristine jungle. Dark clouds and fog occasionally hover above the peaks, sometimes releasing light drizzles or mist.

Many have come here to hike in this jungle. I attempted the Lost Waterfalls Trail, which features 3 waterfalls along the way. Some sections of the trail were muddy and slippery, and hiking alone in the dense vegetation was disorienting. Although it was pretty hard work, the cool temperature made it a pleasant hike.   

Caption: Hiking on the Lost Waterfalls Trail

In this environment, flowers bloom with the most vibrant colors. The mountains and jungle collected all the moisture and let it roar down the river. 

Many foreigners have come to live here. Others simply came to cool down. This is a place of eternal spring, with a year-round temperate environment. Boquete is a place of beauty and adventure; a cool place.

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