How to experience the best of Central America in 50 days solo and overland – Stop 1 Panama City

14-16th February 2024 After 32 hours, I finally arrived in Panama City, the capital of Panama, from Kuala Lumpur. This is the start of the trip to Central America. Despite its negative reputation due to gangsterism and drug trafficking, I hope to see some action, and hopefully live to tell the tale.

My first visit upon arrival was to Casco Viejo. This is the Old Quarter, Panama City’s historic district. I spent a good 3 hours admiring the unique architecture and many colonial styles, dating back to the 1700s. Vehicles crawled on the brick-paved streets, not wanting to startle the tourists who have flocked here. Across the bay was a stark contrast – the city’s modern skyline is defined by the tall apartment blocks crowding around the shoreline.

Caption: Panama City

Many of us know about Panama because of the Panama Canal. I went to the Miraflores Visitor Center to witness ships that were too lazy to sail around the southern tip of South America, caught in the act of making the most audacious shortcut. It was a marvel to see ships, one by one, inched through the narrow canal. At first, each was floated, then lowered, like toys, by full-grown men.

Caption: A cargo ship inching its way through the narrow Panama Canal

Panama City is unique; it is a city endowed with a sea in its CBD and its center. The tropical sun is hot but the breezes try to fan it away. The Cinta Costera is a public recreation area that runs 7 km along Panama Bay and includes gardens, bike and pedestrian lanes, and restaurants. The Amador Causeway is another fun place. It was built from the rocks extracted when the canal was built, and is 6km out into the Pacific Ocean, linking 3 small islands to the mainland. They make this a space to stroll, jog, skate, cycle, or simply sit by the sea enjoying its breath.

Panama City, a city that severs North America from South America, but also connects two oceans. I came from afar, but welcomed.

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