See the free states of the Baltics in 3 weeks – Tallinn Estonia 5/2018 (12)

7-9/6/2018. I started this trip on the 1st of May and was now into my fifth week on the road. The bright idea was to kill two birds with one stone—to see Central Asia and, ultimately, the Baltic States. I started from Kazakstan and was now in the Baltic states, having gone through Lithuania and Latvia, now moving toward Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.

I had never heard of Tallinn before, possibly because of its small size and my ignorance. Estonia has only 1.3 million people. The three Baltic States’ combined population is less than half of Shanghai’s 24 million. For someone who has made Shanghai home for years, the feeling of being lost at sea finally found some footing. Truly, it is not the size that counts, but what you do with what little you have. Estonia’s size belies its stature. Like other Baltic states, it is also a developed nation, having become independent only 30 years ago. It has history, the classiness of Europe, the freedom that allows one to roam unfettered. English speaking is common. I found that these northern European countries are very composed, civil, and friendly. It was a bit cold for me, though, but that’s not their fault. I am too tropical. Still, good heavens, do they ever have summer here? The hotel front desk girl told me there is nothing warm clothing cannot overcome, but it was the long, dark days that bothered. I suppose cold is only a discomfort, but a dark world is an oppression.

7-9/6/2018 这次出游已经五周,五月一日出发,始于哈萨克斯坦,打算一石二鸟探索中亚和波罗的国;刚跑了立陶宛和拉脱维亚,准备到爱沙尼亚塔林。


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