Perfect Then

I am a Malaysian Chinese but have also lived in Singapore, China, and New Zealand. My heart is where there are decent people who understand universal values.

I am the Author of the book A Common Sense Guide to Financial Independence – Financial Wisdom For My Children and the Chinese version 个人理财的常识 – 给我孩子的智慧. Both are available online and in the major bookstores in Malaysia. Two of my trips, Out of This World Africa in 50 Dasy and 60 Days Through the Countries Around The Balkans are also published.

90 countries traveled, 70 of them with blog posts and photographs on this blog site. Follow me on Instagram (choon then) and Facebook.

This blog site is a diary of my travels and daydreams. I see, I feel and I write. I think in Chinese and English, so I sometimes babble in both. My world is that much bigger as a result. If yours is as big or bigger, do read me in both.

I travel solo, mostly; I like to know what I am made of.

I like to take long trips, each time on a regional route that covers a few countries for 1 to 2 months. You could follow my trails on these “Trips” or read the journals by countries or cities.

Love is blissful, arts are beautiful, travel is eye-opening. Life is simply just as simple as that.

Have a big heart. There is only right and wrong, good and bad, not yours or mine, your kind or my kind. May universal love bring us together.

已游览 90 国, 这网站博客相册覆盖 70 国。




我喜欢远程长征,每个旅程一到两个月,一国跨一国,见识区域风土人情。欢迎按这网站“旅程”随行, 也可“国家“或“城市”个别游览。



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