See the free states of the Baltics in 3 weeks – Riga Latvia 6/2018 (10)

3-4/6/2018. After Lithuania, I continued north to Riga, the capital of Latvia, another country along the Baltic Sea. Latvia is a small country like Lithuania, with a population of barely 2 million. Throughout the past several hundred years of its history, it has been kicked and pushed around by the bigger boys. These bigger neighbors have taken their turn to run their lives for them. The Poles, Swedes, Germans, and last but not least, the Russians, have all been here, some left their marks more than others. The baroque, neo-classical, art-nouveau, gothic, renaissance, and Russian architectures, which come in all shapes and forms, were brown and grey, but their sheen much reduced.

Riga is famous for its old churches, buildings and cobblestone streets. Its historical center is a UNESCO World Heritage site. I saw more Asian visitors here, possibly because of its bigger reputation. This city inherited a colorful past, but not a glossy one; of rich history but a life they could not control. Then, it declared its independence from the Russians in 1990 and went into the arms of the European Union in 2004. It has done well since—it is now a developed country.

Malaysia became independent in 1957, and we are still trying to be a developed country. I am not jealous. just musing—what’s the matter with us? I got a hint of how Latvia manages to do it. Later in my tour of Latvia, I saw a janitor lady reading a thick novel while guarding the entrance to the public washroom. By the way, our favorite pastime in Malaysia is shopping and eating out.

Riga was another enjoyable place to see on foot. There were very few sunblocks, as there were few high-rises. There was a lot of elbow room and breathing space. I was pretty much left to roam free, go where I wished, like a stray dog. I saw even the little preschoolers roaming about, led by their caregiving teachers. They were such a bundle of joy, strung together by leashes lest they run amok, though barely beginning to learn to walk. Already well trained, they walked in formation, as though in goosesteps, unlike a bundle of dogs taken for a walk that sniff where they smell good things.

3-4/6/2018 搭上旅巴离开立陶宛维尔纽斯继续北上,四小时多后到拉脱维亚首都里加。拉脱维亚也是袖珍小国,人口就两百万。第一印象是格调跟立陶宛较相似,色调老些。这里见到更多亚洲游客,因为小有名气。老城中心是联合国教课文组织世界遗产地,以老教堂,古建筑和卵石道闻名。几百年来历经周围大国如瑞典,波兰,德国和最后这里称霸的苏联所占领,在1990年才独立,后投怀欧盟。干得不错, 现在已经是发达国家。马来西亚1957年独立,至今还没发达,我也没明白是怎么搞得。在拉脱维亚后来几天我碰到一个看守卫生间阿姨在看门,坐着读一本密密麻麻字体的小说;在马我们的嗜好是逛商场和吃喝。

里加适合徒步游景。这里没高楼,不遮阳,不挡视线;舒畅的空间,任由闯荡;市内点缀老建筑和教堂,使人怀旧;小朋友,幼儿班的, 刚学会走路不久,跟老师出来看看世面;小东西们齐齐走,走近一看,原来老师是把七八个小孩像粽子般牵在一起避免走失;几天前在维尔纽斯大广场也看到两三大队小朋友被当着哈士奇狗用绳子拉在一起;在美国常看到一人两手牵被几条狗带着散步;小孩很可爱,和狗都是宠物。

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