See the hot spots around The Balkans In 60 Days – Stop 25 Sofia, Bulgaria

15-16/9/2020. After a five-plus hours bus ride from Skopje, I arrived at Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. Bulgaria seems to be a country of few words. It is seldom heard of and from in the international arena. I don’t know why. So, I very much looked forward to unraveling its mystique.

Upon arriving, the sun was setting, but this happened to be Saturday, and the streets stirred with people. As I was going with the flow, suddenly I heard rock-and-roll, getting louder and louder as I approached the city square. There, people swarmed, probably a few thousand rubbing shoulders. On the stage, the artists roused the crowd with high-octane sounds; below the stage, people sang and swung along. I felt a lot of pent-up energy. This small, relatively unknown and low-key country, sang its heart out, basking in that cathartic moment.

A few streets away, in front of a small restaurant, a four-man band busted its lungs, the lead singer, a bottle of hard liquor in one hand, belted out one song after another, constantly dousing his inflamed throat with it. The backup vocalist chimed with a glowing cigarette dangling from the corner of his lips. In front of the stage, half-drunk patrons whistled, yelled, and cheered in total indulgence, like there was no tomorrow. I felt for them a new freedom never before felt, a liberation never thought possible.

Sofia is a salad bowl of religion, with Islam, Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Judaism, and atheism all having a place in this country’s history, and each now continues to leave a mark in the city.

五六小时路程后抵达保加利亚首都索菲亚。这国家不知为何沉默寡言, 也不常上新闻,有点神秘感,蛮期待。抵达时已夕阳西下,但恰逢周六,街上开始涌动。走到中心广场时,忽然摇滚乐如雷贯耳,到广场时开始挤满了人,该有上千人。台上唱, 台下和。一个多月走了六七国, 感觉他们的能量多年的压抑还没完全释放。到这寂寂无闻的国家,很意外这么开怀兴奋。再走了几条街, 在一小餐厅前小广场四人乐队在疯狂摇滚,主唱手拿酒瓶,边唱边灌烈酒润喉,伴唱嘴边边唱边悬着根点着的烟,台下听众喝酒呐喊尖叫摇摆助兴,乐成一片。开怀潇洒的尽兴,这就是解放。


晚餐点了烤鱼, 烤菜和米饭。端上来的毫不含糊, 鱼, 菜, 饭,虽高度近视加老花,都可清晰看到,界线分明。买单时账单上米饭比那条鱼还贵,服务员解释说那黑米较贵;早说我点两条鱼算了。昨天午餐吃了一个意大利馅饼,一个李子馅饼甜品,可可饮料,都好吃,晚上睡觉口水还流个不停。昨晚晚餐点了盘色拉,好像没洗过就端上来那么新鲜好吃,主食点了意大利面配烤鸡, 那鸡肉很嫩, 肯定是没打过针,快乐健康成长的。吃喝玩乐,保加利亚让我刮目相看。


Click this link to read the next stop – Rila, Plovdiv, Varna, Bulgaria

Click this link to see all the stops on this trip

The stops on this trip:

  • Prague (Czech)
  • Pilsen
  • Cesky Budejovice
  • Cesky Krumlov
  • Salzburg (Austria)
  • Vienna
  • Bratislava (Slovakia)
  • Ljubljana (Slovenia)
  • Zagreb (Croatia)
  • Plitvice
  • Split
  • Brac
  • Hvar
  • Dubrovnik
  • Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Sarajevo
  • Kotor (Montenegro)
  • Perast
  • Podgorica
  • Shkoder (Albania)
  • Komani Lake
  • Tirana
  • Berat
  • Prizren (Kosovo)
  • Pristina
  • Skopje (North Macedonia)
  • Ohrid
  • Sofia (Bulgaria)
  • Rila
  • Plovdiv
  • Varna
  • Bucharest (Romania)
  • Brasov
  • Sibiu

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