How to experience the best of Central America in 50 days solo and overland – Stop 13 Copan Ruinas, Honduras

26-27 March 2024  From Antigua, I took a chicken bus to Guatemala City, then another bus to Chiquimula. I stayed a night there, and at 8 am, I was on my way to the border town of El Florido in Honduras to see the Copan Ruins, just 14 km from the border.

Many European travelers I have met have skipped Honduras, citing security reasons. I have ridden on many chicken buses in Central America, but I am no chicken. I wanted to stick my neck out, for a quick and short stay at Copan Ruins. 

The Copan Ruins are one of the most important Mayan ruins, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was abandoned in the early ninth century AD and was swallowed up by the jungle until it was discovered in 1570.

The main complex is a clearing showcasing monuments, sculptures, hieroglyphic stairways, plazas, etc., a magnificent remnant of the Mayan civilization.

The archeological site was surrounded by jungle. It was very quiet. The noisiest were the birds, featuring the colorful big macaws. They stood on tall tree branches, squawking in very robust discussions, possibly mundane like humans, about what’s for dinner, or who is prettier.

There are so many unanswered questions, but there is no doubt it was once a proud civilization.

The main complex of Copan Ruinas

Click here to start from Stop 1 – Stop 16 of this trip: How to experience the best of Central America in 50 days solo and overland, and other trips

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