How to experience the best of Central America in 50 days solo and overland – Stop 9 Leon, Nicaragua

10-13 March 2024  From Granada, I boarded a local bus to Managua, and from there, I caught a shared taxi straight to Leon. 

In many ways, Leon feels like Granada – a small Spanish colonial town characterized by mostly single-story row houses. It seems futile to have any lofty ambition when they are living with these temperamental volcanoes. Most of the time, these houses are shuttered, giving it the impression that it is a laid-back town. But this was also a city of revolution. Street art, graffiti, and monuments attest to this tumultuous past. They paint their houses with vibrant colors. They like to play their music fast and lively. It feels young – many young people are seen on the streets; this being a university town. Many European youths are in town, their oversized backpacks in tow, or wandering the streets seeking out tourist attractions. 

Local chicken bus with packed with humans and anything they can carry on board

It boasts numerous historic churches, their simplicity juxtaposed with beauty. Like beacons of hope, they stand at key intersections, welcoming lost souls navigating life’s crossroads.

Leon is one of the hottest cities in Nicaragua, sometimes up to 40 degrees centigrade. Most walk areas are concrete surfaces, with space trees and limited shades. These volcanoes are threatening to raise the temperature further. Despite this, Leon is a cool place.

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