How to experience the best of Central America in 50 days solo and overland – Stop 8 Granada, Nicaragua

7-9 March 2024  From Ometepe, I returned to the mainland of Nicaragua before taking a shared taxi to Granada, by Nicaragua Lake in the north. 

This is a small town of humble folks going about their daily lives. They welcome visitors with a relaxed and laid-back attitude. Many from Europe have flocked here. The streets are generally sparse, except where visitors congregate, in search of cheap and good food, and intoxicating liquor, and where the locals converge at the market area. Their colonial past is still very evident, and the most prominent are the historical churches – some brightly painted, others left naturally to reveal their age. Parque Central and the La Calzada Walking Street serve as centers of social life. Houses are adorned in vibrant colors to showcase their colorful life. On the streets and recreational spots, they play loud and lively music, each trying to drown out their neighbors, creating a beautiful cacophony of loud noises. 

Girls practicing dance in front of the historical Xalteva Church

The town is by Lake Nicaragua. I saw Lake Nicaragua at Malecon, a place to leisurely stroll and do nothing. About 8 kilometers out of town lies Apoyo Lagoon, where the water is clear and alluring, the giggles most genuine, and the music moves all bodies. 

I went to see the Volcano Masaya bubbling inside with molten lava. On arrival, it was close because some guys were taking the temperature to see if the volcano was having a fever. I left empty-handed with only a selfie at the entrance gate. The volcano is known for its visible burning lava at night. So I was disappointed because I wanted to see how hellfire burns, for my own good.

Grenada is a blend of history, colors and natural wonders; truly Nicaraguan!

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