Enjoying the good time in Colombo and Sigiriya, Sri Lanka 9/2023 (Stop 2)

19th September 2023 Colombo 3 days of in the sun and sea, my nose burned red and my lips cracked. This was the world where I chased the fish, giant turtles, sharks and nearly dolphins. I joined them in their natural habitat, and they let me. Those magical turquoise waters that remained unstirred in the deep blues were like a pool within a pool, too exquisite to behold. The sandbars were pure sand rising from the sea, surrounded by turquoise of utmost clarity. I never thought I was at sea and yet had so much fun. 

The next morning, the speed-boat delivered me from Maafushi Island all the way to the departure hall of the airport in Malé, separated only by a narrow street. I was playing in the sea right up to the last minute of my stay in The Maldives.  

On arrival in Colombo, Sri Lanka, I was greeted by torrential downpours the whole evening.  Searching in the dark to find my guesthouse in a quiet embassy area, my luggage and I  were soaked. The guest house did not respond. In desperation, I had to look for another hotel. So it was midnight when I finally checked into Colombo. I spent the next morning drying clothes.

Colombo was rainy the next day. It did not stop me from exploring the city. It looked busy. Tuk-tuks were kings of the road as they ran amok on the streets. The city has a colonial past. The colonial buildings were some of the souvenirs that were still showing their past glory. The city was very much like a work in progress. It was in a bit of disrepair and in need of loving care.

Jami Ul-Alfar Mosque
Jami Ul-Alfar Mosque

21th September 2023 From Colombo, I took the train to go for 4 hours eastward inland to Habarana, then a 3-wheeler for another 18 km, to Sigiriya. 

After a hearty Sri Lankan breakfast, I was ready to scale the heights of Sigiriya. It was an old fortress more than 200 m high above the surrounding plain, hardly enough to intimidate me. In fact, the steps up were surprisingly easy on the knees. The sun was bright though unkindly hot. There were few precious shade all the way up the big rock. The wind at the top blew hard, forcing the branches and leaves to wave, providing some respite from the heat.

On the top, the 360-degree views of the green jungle below were rewarding. Visitors looked for the edges and the steep drops to take the dare-devil poses. All that remained of the fort, unfortunately, were some walls. Its grandeur could only be seen partially. May Sri Lanka rise again.

Sigiriya Rock Fortress
Sigiriya Rock Fortress

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