Finding love in Agra India 10/2023 (Stop 13)

20-21st, October 2023 Agra, India

From Jaipur I now rode the train to Agra, arriving the evening of Thursday. Everyone comes to India to see the Taj Mahal. I was rubbing my hands with great anticipation. Of all days, I tried to see the Taj on Friday, the only day in the week it is closed for prayers. 

So I went to see Agra Fort on Friday instead. At the gate, the enormous red walls, the gates, bastions, built from red sandstone, stood fiery and resolutely, as though they had been prepared for wars for a long time. Inside, pavilions, mosques, and palaces were built from red sandstone and some from white marble. They were a mixture of Islamic and influences from other countries. Though lesser known compared to the Taj, it was no less significant.

The next day, I gobbled some breakfast and joined the crowd already pushing against each other and the gates. The local authority did a good job keeping it under the veil until one had paid and entered the entrances. Very quickly, the Taj Mahal revealed itself full frontal, just as it has been photographed all over the world. A white marble mausoleum, against a cloudless grey-blue sky, made a grand appearance. A big dome sat atop the main building, its four corners guarded by four tall minarets. It was built by a Mughal king to house the tomb of his beloved wife, to say, my wife is dead, not my love. People all over the world would exclaim Oooo, that was so sweet! The geometry and symmetry, expressed in white, tell the love story in death. Many came to take photos, with the Taj as the prop, to evidence their love for each other. Some white couples came dressed in Indian to express their undying love. It’s always better to do it before he/she is dead.

The Taj Mahal, in full view from the perfect spot

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My route map – The Maldives, Sri Lanka, India, Nepal:

My itinerary from The Maldives to Sri Lanka, India, and Nepal:

  • The Maldives
  • Sri Lanka – Sigiriya
  • Sri Lanka – Anuradhapura
  • Sri Lanka – Trincomalee
  • Sri Lanka – Kandy
  • Sri Lanka – Ella
  • Sri Lanka – Merissa
  • India – Mumbai
  • India – Ahmedabad
  • India – Udaipur
  • India – Jodhpur
  • India – Jaisalmer
  • India – Jaipur
  • India – Agra
  • India – New Delhi
  • India – Varanasi
  • Nepal – Pokhara
  • Nepal – Kathmandu

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