Time to explore the most beautiful desert moonscape in Wadi Rum, Jordan 6/2023 (Stop 3)

I soon left Petra in the rear-view mirror and drove south toward Wadi Rum. The enjoyment continued, the roads wound around the hillsides and hilltops, surrounded by rocky mountains and valleys, shaped by the elements over countless millenniums to look harsh and exciting, colored in purple, pink, brown, and other nuanced colors to look natural and exhilarating. It was not easy not to frequently rubberneck, often also making stops to capture them in still frames.

I then drove on the Kings’ Highway, on top of the mountain, almost a plateau but undulating, with few cars in either direction. It was carpeted on both sides with yellow and light green grass, it had the air of springtime.

Driving on the King’s Highway

Wabi Rum soon came into view. It soon became apparent this was a desert like no other. I was then driven around in a jeep. I climbed a few rocks that protruded from the desert floor, to catch the panoramic views – a plain of sand with many raw rock formations that do not conform to norms, often rising from the ground vertically. The sand was red, yellow, brown; coarse, or fine. The mountains were born in different colors. Depending on the sun’s mood, they appeared purple, grey, brown, pink, and dull green, making the desert a variety show.

Camels were the only 4-legged creatures seen in the desert. I tried to engage them in small talk, but they were not interested, continuing to grind their teeth, as though saying “Too well you are enjoying your cold drink in the shade while my butt is on fire on this hot sand”.

Camels sitting on the desert hot sand

The sun began to set. The landscape started to look more like Mars. The campsites were tucked in the shades of the mountains around the vast desert. It looked like Elon Musk and humans had finally successfully colonized Mars. We picked some dry twigs to light a fire to boil tea. The sun lowered itself and gradually disappeared behind the mountains.

Boiling tea for a desert sunset in Wadi Rum
Dusk at the desert resort

At night, the stars came out in countless numbers to twinkle.

Wadi Rum is simply surreal, out of this world, magical!

Click here to see all the stops on this trip

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