How I Explored the Largest Country in the World (Russia) Solo, by Train, in 30 Days – Krasnoyarsk (10)

13/8/2019. I arrived in Krasnoyarsk about 10:30 a.m., after two nights—35 hours total—on the train from Yekaterinburg. I’ve never been cooped up in a train or on transport for 35 hours. Traveling by train horizontally across the country, losing a few hours crossing different time zones; I swear I even felt jet lag on the train.

Limited vendor food was onboard, so luckily I had brought my own. For the 35 hours, I survived on a half-tube of Pringles chips as an appetizer, walnut prune banana cake as the main, a small pack of peach fruit juice for a drink, and a couple of oranges for dessert. Anything pre-cooked would not keep well for 35 hours, so I brought these fresh ingredients, took a bite of each ingredient in turn, and mixed it all thoroughly in my mouth to get the most flavor. It was a kind of detox diet on a long journey of self-reflection. . Not much else to do except to doze off, hypnotized by the trees and grass that floated by. Such a big piece of land.

Krasnoyarsk was at best a mid-size town. The best thing here was probably the best hostel I have stayed in all of Russia so far, and a walk along the Yenisei River in the town. English was spoken less here, there was less music on the street, no glamorous shopping to shout about, a place that seemed to hold on to the past a bit more. Despite its might and prowess, this part looked more like a developing country. But it was a relaxing stopover, and sitting down in a café was a much-welcomed luxury.

At 2 p.m. the next day, I was on my train again to my next destination, Irkutsk, deeper into Asian Russia. By now, I was well trained for long rides.

13/8/2019 – 漫长的35小时,两个晚上后,火车终于早上十点半抵达克拉斯诺雅茨克 (Krasnoyarsk)。一路乖乖呆在火车,不能东奔西跑,只横向东奔东跑。路程中莫名其妙丢了几小时,35 小时跨了几个时区,每坐一天火车时钟就缩水一两小时,那脑袋给搞糊涂。



在这里中转一夜后,第二天下午两点我继续往东跑,到伊尔库茨克 (Irkutsk),更深入俄罗斯的亚洲。

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